Long Way Home Pdf

Title: Long Way Home Pdf

From the scion of Hollywood royalty - son of Michael Douglas, grandson of Kirk Douglas - a moving, often shocking, ultimately inspiring memoir detailing his struggle to regain his dignity, humanity, and place in society after many years of drug abuse and almost eight years in prison.

Cameron Douglas is born into wealth, privilege, and comfort. His parents are glamorous jet-setters, his father a superstar, his mother a beautiful socialite, his grandfather a legend. On the surface, his life seems golden. But by the age of 30, he has taken a hellish dive: He's become a drug addict, a thief, and - after a DEA drug bust - a convicted drug dealer sentenced to five years in prison, with another five years added to his sentence while incarcerated. Eventually, he will spend two years in solitary, where he manages, nonetheless, to hold fast to the brutal ethos of prison survival... until: he begins to reverse his savage transformation, to understand the psychological turmoil that has tormented him for years, and to prepare for what will be a profoundly challenging, but eventually deeply satisfying and successful, reentry into society at large.

Sparing no one in his sphere - least of all himself - Cameron Douglas gives us a raw and unstintingly honest recounting of his harrowing, remarkable, and, in the end, inspiring life story.

Surprisingly Amazing Read This book truly surpassed my expectations. This introspective depth of Cameron who I found extremely likeable. Not to mention , a serious overview of the prison system. I think what Cameron accomplished, in both mentally surviving prison, as well as turning his life incredibly around, is nothing short of heroic. This book can do a lot of good. A must read that I am very glad that I read. He'll do great things.“Get thee to a therapist...” Cameron Douglas’ gritty memoir, “Long Way Home”. And that referred to most of the major players in Cameron’s story. Cameron, now 41, spent most of his life addicted to drugs and general bad behavior. He spent 6 or so years in various prisons, in his 30’s, finally coming to terms with his crimes and the effect on others, particularly his immediate family.Cameron is the son of Michael Douglas and the grandson of Kirk Douglas. That’s a lot of acting legend to live up to, and for Cameron, life was difficult from the beginning. His mother, a 20 year old socialite named Diandra Luker, was not ready for motherhood, or marriage, either. Michael Douglas was not ready, either, for the responsibility of fatherhood, and he had his own ongoing problems with drugs and drink. Cameron bounced between the two as their marriage disintegrated, basically being allowed to do what he wanted and who he wanted to do it with. Where was the responsible parent in Cameron’s life? Non-existent, it seems. He should have been in therapy from an early age, with someone to help him navigate the complexities of life without decent parenting.The years passed and Cameron continued to live recklessly, often high on drugs. He became a dealer and traveled the world, building a career as a DJ...and a drug dealer. Every so often, his parents would swoop in and rescue Cameron with monetary help. Eventually, he wound up in prison and one of the most interesting parts of the book involve his jail experiences. He also finally kicked his drug habit and left prison a changed man. Will he keep up his newly clean life? He now has a partner and daughter and a renewed acting career. He’s also in therapy.Will Cameron Douglas remain on the straight and narrow? Living without drugs is certainly hard for an addict. I sure hope he’s able to continue his recovery. He shows awareness of his life and has written an interesting account which spread the blame among those who should be blamed. But he does accept his own part in his own story.this is a tough read Cameron Douglas is the Grandson of Kirk Douglas and the son of Michael Douglas and yet that wasn't the answer. for all the money, privledge,houses, access,etc.. the drugs and the demons and everything was all there. the kind of book that every parent who has dealt with situations and matters as such, this is a must read.

Tags: B07VN8X87X pdf,Long Way Home pdf,,Cameron Douglas, Random House Audio,Long Way Home,Random House Audio,B07VN8X87X

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